
Grab a voucher code for the checkout and save money with TilesandBathroomsOnline. Vouchers expire the end of June. Only one voucher can be used at the checkout. Add the voucher code when checking out online. Please note vouchers can only be used for online orders. Vouchers will not be accepted over the phone or in any of our showrooms.

This month we are offering 20% OFF all Benfer adhesive when you spend over £150 on tiles


Shop bathrooms with us this month and get 10% OFF when you spend over £500 on bathroom products. All bathroom products including Basins, Toilets, Baths, Suites, Furniture, Taps, Showers & more! Get a further 10% OFF sale items and top brands Crosswater & Bauhaus already discounted with 20%Off


Porcelanosa 40% OFF June Sale coming soon... Save up to 40% OFF on all Porcelanosa tiles in our June Sale 19th-29th


Call our sales team for prices on 01234 324592 or email sales@tilesandbathroomsonline.co.uk View Porcelanosa products